Drupal Code Development

How to access Drupal 8 views index fields? PUBLIC

First, we have to create a views template:

The code snippet below shows the way to access, the Drupal 8 views index fields also to carry that out you will need to create a views template. Using the code is easy and efficient as you can carry out your tasks, as you need to within the prescribed limits. Making the appropriate use of the base template definition is a start to the access of index fields in Drupal.

- [base template name]--[view machine name]--[view display id].html.twig
- [base template name]--[view machine name]--[view display type].html.twig (recommended)
- [base template name]--[view display type].html.twig
- [base template name]--[view display type]--[view machine name]--[view display id].html.twig
- [base template name]--[view machine name].html.twig
- [base template name].html.twig
for instance if
views-view-unformatted--search_view--page_search_view.html.twig (OK)
views-view--search_view--page_search_view.html.twig (OK and recommended)

Coding in Drupal

Specific view displays are for unformatted ones customary to show you the defined characteristics that go along with each view screened. An ID of first row in your screened list checked shows you the ID as a start of the view list labelling an exact one you want to find out.

// If starts with a specific views DISPLAY like: "unformatted" see: views-view-unformatted--search_view--page_search_view.html.twig
// Let's get nid of first row! (as long as ID (nid) exists in views field UI.
// rows[0].content['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ nid }}']|striptags|trim //< "34"
// rows[1].content['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ nid }}']|striptags|trim //< "35"
// this is a real example of how code would look like:
<div class="search-page">
    {% include "@molecules/search-header.twig" with {
        phrase: view.args[0],
        results: view.total_rows,
        browse_link: '/browse',
    <div class="ga-row">
        <div class="ga-col ga-col-lg-8 ga-col-lg-centered ga-p-bottom-xxx-lg">
            <div class="search-results">
                <div class="search-results__items">
                    {% for row in rows %}
                        {% set nid = row.content['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ nid }}']|striptags|trim %}
                        {% set title = row.content['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ title }}'] %}
                        {% set body = row.content['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ body }}'] %}
                        {% set changed = row.content['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ changed }}'] %}
                        {% include "@molecules/search-result-card.twig" with {
                            item: {
                                url: path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': nid}),
                                title: title,
                                description: body,
                                date: changed
                    {% endfor %}
    <div class="ga-row">
        <div class="ga-col ga-col-lg-centered">
            {% if pager %}
                {{ pager }}
            {% endif %}
// Disadvantage: is that unfortunately when you have NO RESULTS views do not recognize this template!  (keep in mind!)
 * The other solution I recommend if you want to custom fields and no results is to use:
 *  [base template name]--[view machine name]--[view display type].html.twig  for instance: views-view--search_view--page_search_view.html
 * rows[0]['#rows'][0]['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[1]['{{ nid }}']|striptags|trim //< "34"
 * rows[0]['#rows'][0]['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[1]['{{ nid }}']|striptags|trim //< "35"
 * see example:

Drupal Development Practice

Avail the phrase and result together with the browse link using the Drupal web development company Code snippet shown below making it simple and easy to attain all the labelled particulars to use. Seek the exact location and retrieve information that seems easy once you come into process with this code snippet.

<div class="search-page">
  {% include "@molecules/search-header.twig" with {
    phrase: view.args[0],
    results: view.total_rows,
    browse_link: '/browse',
  <div class="ga-row">
    <div class="ga-col ga-col-lg-8 ga-col-lg-centered ga-p-bottom-xxx-lg">
      <div class="search-results">
        <div class="search-results__items">
          {% for row in rows[0]['#rows'] %}
            {% set nid = row['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ nid }}']|striptags|trim %}
            {% set title = row['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ title }}'] %}
            {% set body = row['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ body }}'] %}
            {% set changed = row['#view'].style_plugin.render_tokens[ loop.index0 ]['{{ changed }}'] %}
            {% include "@molecules/search-result-card.twig" with {
            item: {
              url: path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': nid}),
              title: title,
              description: body,
              date: changed
          {% endfor %}
  <div class="ga-row">
    <div class="ga-col ga-col-lg-centered">
      {% if pager %}
        {{ pager }}
      {% endif %}
// See how it is different is to access fields? It was very tricky! However, with this there is permission for you to use it in custom with NO RESULTS. Therefore, this is good to use.


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